
2009 Iceland Academy of the Arts, Diploma in Creative and Critical Thinking

2004 San Francisco Art Institute, Master of Fine Arts in Photography

1997 Istituto Europeo di Design, Bachelor of Arts in Photography

Solo Exhibitions

2022 Perceptions, Chung 24, San Francisco, CA, USA

2019 A Sense of Place - Imprints of Iceland, Mengi, Reykjavik, Iceland

2017 A Matter of Some Moments, Ramskram Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland

2016 Outlook, Reykjavík Museum of Photography, Reykjavik, Iceland

2014 Moments, VI International Festival of Photography PhotoVisa, Krasnodar, Russia

2005 Scapes, First Street Gallery, Eureka, CA, USA

2004 Dreamscapes, Zinc Details, San Francisco, CA, USA

1997 Christmas in Historical Reykjavik, Reykjavik City Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland

Selected Group Exhibitions


Members Juried Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, California

Lost Landscapes, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR

Of Land and Place, Vermont Center for Photography, Battleboro, VT

Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going?, Atlanta Photography Group Gallery, Atlanta, GA


2024 BBA Photography Prize Exhibition, Kühlhaus Berlin, Berlin, Germany

2024 International Juried Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, California

Transformative Landscapes: A Contemporary Perspective, Art Works Downtown, San Rafael, CA

Action for a Green Future, Imago Lisboa Photo Festival 2024, Lisbon, Portugal

Left Hand – Right Hand, The Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China

Among the Trees, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA

2024 Berkeley Art Center Member’s Exhibition, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA

ArtSpan’s Golden Benefit Auction, Heron Arts, San Francisco, CA

In Flux:Recalibrating the Unknow, Museum of Northern California Art, Chico, CA

Context 2024, Filter Space, Chicago, IL

Metamorphosis, Mercury 20, Oakland, CA


2023 International Juried Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA, USA

Far Away is Now, 120710 Gallery, Berkeley, CA, USA

Select West 2023, Garvey Simon, San Anselmo, CA, USA

Shallow Anchors, Upstart Modern, Sausalito, CA, USA

Slice, Pence Gallery, Davis, CA, USA

Earth, Palo Alto Art Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Hold Up Half the Sky!, Dallas Center for Photography, Dallas, TX, USA

International Festival of Photography San Jose Foto, San Jose Foto Festival, San Jose, Uruguay

2023 Members Juried Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA, USA

“Shapeshifters: Myth and Magic of the North”, Think Round Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA, USA

Conceptual Photography, Artdoc Magazine, online

Conceptual Photography Exhibition, D’art Gallery, Denver, CO, USA

18th National Photography Competition, fotofoto gallery, NY, USA

Water, Marin Society of Artists, CA, USA


The Small Works Exhibit, Artworks Downtown, CA, USA

2022 National Multi-Media Juried Art Show, Wilson Arts Center, NC, USA

Adopted Landscapes, Collective 62, Miami, FL, USA

Brand 50, Brand Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA, USA

Art in the Orchard, McEvoy Ranch, Petaluma, CA, USA

RESTART, Palo Alto Art Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA

MINE: What is Ours in the Wake of Extraction, Midway Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA

LensCulture New York 2022, Caelum Gallery, New York City, NY, USA

Member’s 2022 Juried Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA, USA

Hérna, Hlöðuloftið Korpúlfsstaðir, Reykjavík, Iceland

CAL International 2022, Conroe Art League, Conroe, TX, USA


Barcelona Foto Biennale, Barcelona, Spain

Sýningin, Gömlu kartöflugeymslurnar, Reykjavík, Iceland

2021 International Juried Show, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA, USA

Torg Photo Festival, Korpúlfsstöðum, Reykjavík Iceland

Flow Photofest, Gallery Pop, Forres, Scotland

Imago Lisboa Photo Festival 2021, Gallery Imago Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

BBA Photography Prize at Berlin Photo, BBA Gallery, Berlin, Germany

In Conversation with the Land, Center for Fine Art Photography, Colorado, USA

Alt-Photo: Alternative Processes in Contemporary Photography, Analog Gallery, CA, USA


Reimagined Landscapes, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA, USA

2020 San Francisco Bay International Photography Exhibition, Berkeley, CA, USA

2020 International Juried Competition, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA, USA

8x10 Fundraising Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA, USA

Water, Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, Decorah, Idaho, USA

Respite and Renewal: Inside and Out, Online Exclusive, Susan Eley Fine Art, NYC, USA

Distinction, 23rd Juried Photography Exhibition, Photographic Center Northwest, Seattle, CA, USA


2019 San Francisco Bay International Photography Exhibition, Berkeley, CA, USA, Gold Award Winner

39th Annual Connect and Collect, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA, USA

2019 Members Juried Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA, USA

ARTBOX.PROJECT ZÜRICH 1.0, Swiss Art Expo, Zurich, Switzerland

ISO 2019 - Ljósmyndasýning FÍSL, Korpúlfstaðir, Reykjavík, Iceland

Nordic Light, Think Round Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA, USA

Public Alchemy III, Cubberley Community Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Something Blue, Gray Loft Gallery, Oakland, CA, USA


Memory and Perception, Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, Marin, CA, USA

2018 International Juried Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA, USA, 3rd place

38th Annual Connect and Collect, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA, USA

Bay Area Currents, Smith Andersen North Gallery, San Anselmo, CA, USA

Landscapes 2018 Exhibition, Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO, USA

2018 National Best Contemporary Photography, Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Fort Wayne, IN, USA

The Fence 2018, Brooklyn, NY, Denver, CO, Santa Fe, NM, Boston, MA, Atlanta, GA, Durham, NC, Sarasota, FL, Calgary Canada

stARTup Art Fair, Hotel del Sol, San Francisco, CA, USA

Elements, Vanessa Lacy Gallery, Kansas City, MO, USA

Tree Talk, Lafayette City Center, Boston, MA, USA


Contemporary Landscape, Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, CA, USA

Kuala Lumpur International Photoawards 2017, WHITEBOX Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Art of Living Photography Gallery Awards, ACCI Gallery, Berkeley, CA, USA

Reflect & Engage, The Image Flow, Mill Valley, CA, USA

FÍSL 2017 Samtímaljósmyndun, Miklagardur, Höfn í Hornafirði, Iceland

Public Alchemy II, Cubberley Community Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Cascade, Nordic Innovation House, Palo Alto, CA, USA

4th Annual Juried Art Show, Piedmont Center for the Arts, Piedmont, CA, USA


Connect and Collect, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA, USA

Anne and Mark’s Art Party, Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, San Jose, CA, USA

11th National Juried Exhibition, Axis Gallery, Sacramento, CA, USA, Jurors award

Family!, Portfolio Showcase, Davis Orton Gallery, Hudson, NY, USA

Dwelling, Susan Eley Fine Art, New York, NY, USA

Cascade, Rayko Photo Center, San Francisco, CA, USA

Public Alchemy, Cubberley Community Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Family Portraits, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA, USA, Jurors award


Domestic, PHOTO Gallery, Oakland, CA, USA

Connect and Collect, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA, USA

Family Matters, PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT, USA

ÍSÓ 2015, Old Shrimp Factory, Isafjordur, Iceland

The Salon Exhibit, Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Left Coast Annual, Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica, CA, USA

Still Life/Life Still, Darkroom Gallery, Essex, VT, USA

On the Road, The Club at SJC, San Jose, CA, USA


Open, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO, USA

Looking Out, Sharon Arts Center, Peterborough, NH, USA

Landforms, Northern Lights Festival, Norwegian House, Stykkisholmur, Iceland

Dreams, Fantasies and Illusions, Photoplace Gallery, Middlebury, VT, USA

Inside Out, Verum Ultimum Art Gallery, Portland, OR, USA

Connect and Collect, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA, USA

Anne and Mark’s Art Party, Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, San Jose, CA, USA

2014 San Francisco International Photography Exhibition, Gallery Photographica, San Francisco, CA, USA

Shelter, Art Works Downtown, San Rafael, CA, USA

Of Memory, Bone and Myth, The Rourke Art Museum, Moorhead, MN, USA

Icelandic Women Photographers 1872-2013, National Museum of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland


Context Art Fair, Miami, FL, USA

Imagining the Real, Carnegie Art Center, Turlock, CA, USA

Unfamiliar Landscapes, O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, Mill Valley, CA, USA

Origin and Geography in the Digital Era, Italian Cultural Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA

Women’s Works, Old Court House Art Center, Woodstock, IL, USA


Arles 2012 Vois Off, Arles, France

2012 International Exhibition of Women’s Fine Art Photography, .NO Gallery, New York, NY, USA, Honorable mention

Water, Ministry for the Environment, Reykjavik, Iceland

Icelandic Contemporary Photography, Kex Hostel, Reykjavik, Iceland

Echo/Bergmál, Reykjavik Museum of Photography, Reykjavik, Iceland


Points of Departure, Jones Studio Gallery, Long Beach, CA, USA

Shaped by Water, Los Altos History Museum, Los Altos, CA, USA

Urban Forest, Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Summer Photo Show, Lunch Box Gallery, Miami, FL, USA

California!, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA, USA

Inanimate, Flash Gallery, Lakewood, CO, USA

1999 - 2009   

Flash at a Moment of Danger, LA Art Museum, Hveragerdi, Iceland

Freestyle 2-3-d, Energy Gallery, Toronto, Canada

Diptychs, Soke Fine Art, Minturn, CO, USA

Master of Fine Arts Exhibition, Herbst Pavilion, San Francisco, CA, USA  

Feminology, Diego Rivera Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA

Fragments of Life in the Urban Environment, City Hall, San Francisco, CA, USA

Icelandic Photographers Association: 2001 in Review, Kópavogur Art Museum, Reykjavik,Iceland

Icelandic Photographers Association: 1999 in Review, Kópavogur Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland

Selected Graduating Student’s, Istituto Europeo di Design, Rome, Italy


“A Sense of Place - Imprints of Iceland”, Monograph, January 2020

Selected Bibliography

“Earth Week: Charlotta Hauksdóttir: Imprints”, Lenscratch, April 2023

“A Sense of Place, Imprints of Iceland”, Europe Now, Council for European Studies, January 2022

“Earth Day in Isolation”, Musée Magazine, April 2020

“Charlotta Hauksdottir: A Sense of Place: Imprints of Iceland, Lenscratch, January 2020

“Surreal and fantastical Landscape” Morgunbladid Daily Newspaper, December 2020

“What the Weather Is”, New York Review of Books, December 2019

“A Sense of Place by Charlotta Maria Hauksdottir”, All About Photo, December 2019

“Book Review: A Sense of Place by Charlotta María Hauksdóttir”, F-Stop Magazine, December 2019

“Charlotta Hauksdóttir – Finding a “Sense of Place” in Iceland”, Formed from Light, October 2019

“Charlotta Maria Hauksdottir”, Aint-Bad Magazine, April 2019

“Imprints by Charlotta Hauksdottir”, Dodho Magazine, March 2019

“Charlotta María Hauksdóttir - Imprints”, KATALOG-Journal, December 2018

“The Risks of Concerned Art in the Digital Age”, Medium, October 2018

“Imagined Landscapes”, Frettabladid Daily Newspaper, October 2018

“Wild Icelandic Landscapes as you’ve never seen them”, WIRED Magazine, September 2018

“Le donne fotografe dalla nascita della fotografia ad oggi: uno sguardo di genere”, Patrizia Pulga, (Italy), March 2017

“The Human Landscape”, What will you remember?, April 2017

Charlotta María Hauksdóttir: "Outlook" at the Reykjavik Museum of Photography,, June 2016

“Family Matters”, Show Catalog, PhotoPlace Gallery, (VT, USA), July 2015

“Art in 365 Days”, Icelandic Art Calendar, (Reykjavik, Iceland), November 2014

“Dreams, Fantasies and Illusions”, Show Catalog, PhotoPlace Gallery, (VT, USA) October 2014

“What’s Important and Precious to Me”, Show Catalog, PhotoVisa, (Russia), September 2014

“Photo of the Day”, September 2014

“Behold” Photo Blog, Slate Magazine,, August 2014

“Of Memory, Bone and Myth”, Show Catalog, The Rourke Art Museum, (MN, USA) March 2014

“Betur sjá augu”, Show Catalog, (Reykjavik, Iceland), January 2014

“Art in 365 Days”, Icelandic Art Calendar, (Reykjavik, Iceland), September 2013

“2012 International Exhibition of Fine Art Photography”, Professional Women Photographers, .NO Gallery, Show Catalog, (NY, USA), April 2012

“Echo/Bergmal”, Show Catalog, (Reykjavik, Iceland), January 2012

“Laugavegurinn“ START ART, (Reykjavik, Iceland), June 2010

“Flash at a Moment of Danger”, Show Catalog, (Reykjavik, Iceland), June 2009

“Augnablik til framtíðar”, Icelandic Photographers Association 80th year, (Reykjavik, Iceland), May 2006

“The Painter Soffía Sæmundsdóttir” Nýtt Líf Magazine, Sigríður Inga Sigurðardóttir, (Reykjavik, Iceland), January 1999

”The Ceramist Guðrún Indriðadóttir,” Nýtt Líf Magazine, Sigriður Inga Sigurðardóttir, (Reykjavik, Iceland), April 1999

“Depression,” Vera Women’s Magazine, (Reykjavik, Iceland), September 1998

“The Photographs of Charlotta María Hauksdóttir”, Morgunbladid, (Reykjavik, Iceland), February 1997

“A Fotografare il Corpo”, La Pelle Magazine, (Rome, Italy), April 1997



Photolucida Critical Mass, Top 50

The Handmade Tale, L.A. Photo Curator, 2nd Place


Gomma Photography Grant, New Flavour Award Finalist

2023 Members Juried Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, Honorable Mention


Photolucida Critical Mass, Top 200

RESTART, Palo Alto Art Center, Jury Award

2022 Moscow International Foto Awards, Silver Award


Chromatic Photography Awards, International Color Photography Contest, Honorable Mention

Tokyo Foto Awards, Honorable Mention

Budapest Foto Awards, Honorable Mention

2021 Rfotofolio Selections, Work of Merit

The Prix de la Photographie Paris 2021, Honorable Mention

In Conversation with the Land, Center for Fine Art Photography, Honorable Mention

Photolucida Critical Mass, Top 200

Lensculture Art Photography Awards, Juror’s Pick

Abstract 2020-21, New York Center for Photographic Art, 2nd Place


International Photography Awards, Honorable Mention

15th Pollux Awards, Honorable Mention

2020 San Francisco Bay International Photo Awards, 3rd Place

Distinction, 23rd Juried Photography Exhibition, Photographic Center Northwest, Honorable Mention

Tokyo International Photography Competition - 7th Edition, Winner


Tokyo International Foto Awards, Honorable Mention

2019 San Francisco Bay International Photography Exhibition, Gold Award Winner


ND Awards, Honorable Mention

International Photography Awards, Honorable Mention

London International Creative Competition, Honorable Mention

Photolucida Critical Mass, Top 50

2018 International Juried Exhibition, Center for Photographic Art, 3rd place


Kuala Lumpur International Photoawards 2017, Finalist

The Art of Living Photography Show, ACCI Gallery, Gallery Award Winner


11th National Juried Exhibition, Axis Gallery, Jurors Award

Family Portraits, Richmond Art Center, Jurors Award


International Exhibition of Women’s Fine Art Photography, Honorable Mention

Public collections

Fidelity Investments Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts

Fairmont Banff Springs, Banff, Canada

Stanford Health Care, Palo Alto, California, USA

Reykjavik Museum of Photography, Reykjavik, Iceland

Affymetrix, Santa Clara, California, USA

Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, California, USA

Reykjavik City Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland